Exhibit Opening Attracts Enthusiastic Crowd

March 02, 2014  •  1 Comment

Evelyn Nodwell's photography exhibit "Guizhou China, In the Season of New Rice", opened March 1 with 115 people filling the Hall of a Hundred Rivers gallery at Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden.

Comments about the images ranged from "stunning"; "exquisite"; "they look like they were taken by an anthropologistwe see people, a feel for place"; "these are so real, they look just like rural China"; "there is so much amazing detail they seem to come right out of the frame"; "joy and peacecomes through the photos" to "beautiful, very human, photographs".

Guest speakers Dr. Brian Pendleton, Department of Asian Studies at Langara College and China scholar Dr. Yu Li provided guests with a brief overview of ethnic minorities in China. Several board members of the Guizhou Canadian United Association attended the opening and the Vice-President expressed best wishes on behalf of her organization.

A very big "thank you" goes to the staff and the volunteers of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden for their outstanding work in making the opening such a success.

The exhibit runs from March 1 - 30, 2014.

posted by Ted Nodwell

Evelyn Nodwell talks with Mr. Liberal H. Wang and board members of the Guizhou Canadian United Association and the Guizhou Chamber of Commerce of North America. Evelyn Nodwell speaks about her experiences photographing in Guizhou province, China. Evelyn Nodwell with Hans-Peter Willi, Deputy Consul General at the Consulate General of Switzerland in Vancouver, and his wife Riccarda at the opening of "Guizhou China, In the Season of New Rice" at Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden. One of 17 images created by Evelyn Nodwell in Guizhou China that are on display at Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden, March 1-30 2014. Dr. Yu Li, China scholar and guest speaker at the exhibit opening, provides guests with background information about ethnic minorities in Guizhou province.


I'm pleased, as I'm sure you are, that there was such a nice turnout. I am looking forward to seeing it March 19th
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